Back on the Blog or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the QuickBooks


OK, maybe, not *love* yet.  We’re still learning about each other.  QuickBooks is learning all about my business and I’m learning that QuickBooks knows nothing and I need to teach him everything.  That’s right.  QuickBooks is a man.  Because no woman would create such a monster that has no feelings or care about use tax.

January has been spent learning Quickbooks and cramming all of 2012 business into a 3 week time period (which also included our family of 4 with the flu).  Imagine a right brained girl being thrown into the accounting wolves–yes, it was that bad.  After a couple of video tutorials, a trip to my local library, hours upon hours of entries, and some cocktails here and there, I managed to figure him out (and then forget it all 3 weeks later).  QuickBooks, you get the best and worst of me.

2013 goals for Jennifer Lytie Photography include back to blogging once a week, ordering canvases and large prints for samples, and designing a high end album for weddings.  Speaking of weddings, I’m excited for wedding season!  This year, will be a first to photograph an intimate wedding at a private home.  I plan on building up my marketing material this year to take part in the wedding shows for 2014.  It will be an exciting year for Jennifer Lytie Photography.

So if you see me fall off the blog wagon, kick me in the Facebook page and throw me back on.